The Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE) is a unique organisation within ergonomics in that it harmonises the certification practices of the ergonomics societies within a large geographical area, covering multiple countries. The national member societies have agreed on the necessary standard of knowledge and practical experience requried to become a certified European Ergonomist. It is administered by the CREE Council, which is composed of representatives from each member society. CREE is the only body endorsed by the International Ergonomics Association to certify professional ergonomists in Europe.
The CREE confers the professional title “European Ergonomist” to designate qualified and experienced members of the profession. The quality of their professional practice and their education has been peer-reviewed and they must adhere to a professional Code of Conduct. The CREE certifies all applicants who are assessed as meeting the specified minimum requirements. It is not necessary to be a member of a national society to obtain certification. Applications are welcomed from any qualified ergonomist, provided that he or she works within the member countries of the Council of Europe. In exceptional circumstances applications can be accepted from outside Europe. Please contact the Secretary General, if you have an enquiry about this.
The structure and operation of CREE is designed to comply with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012(en) “Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons”
History & Aims
In the years prior to the emergence of open borders for labour movement in Europe, it was evident to the national ergonomics societies within the European Union that some common agreement on the level of expertise to be expected of a competent ergonomist was required for the benefit both of those wishing to use the services of ergonomists and of the members of the national societies. To this end representatives from the larger ergonomics societies federated to the International Ergonomics Association collaborated to prepare an agreement. In June 1992 a report on recommendations for the harmonisation of professional training was published (HETPEP). From this base the minimum requirements for registration were defined.
The Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists CREE was established in 1994 to undertake and administer the registration process. Changes to the minimum requirements for registration are undertaken only rarely and in consultation with the member societies.

CREE member societies
Any ergonomics society within the area of the Council of Europe may become a member of CREE, provided that they are a member of the International Ergonomics Association IEA. For countries outside this area wishing to establish a registration system, CREE provides support in the form of experience exchange. Observers from such societies are welcome to meetings, but need to contact the President for an invitation.
On an International level, CREE is participating in the work of the IEA on defining the content of training courses for ergonomists and in establishing mutual recognition criteria between regions.